Mall Inspiration
Well, DS#2 turns 11 today! Happy Birthday Willy!
In anticipation of the snow storm yesterday, I took off very very early to go Birthday Shopping at the Christiana Mall. I don't go to malls very often, since we live in a rural area, and since it is a 45 minute trip to the mall. It probably also has something to do with the fact that I have three boys, and boys could really care less about shopping - unless it is for electronics.
Well, electronics was what I needed and I ventured to the mall for the APPLE computer store. Willy wants an IPOD for his birthday. Unfortunately, $300 is out of my budget; and, I feel that spending that much on an electronic device for an 11 year old kid is just plain dumb (they lose stuff, they break stuff, etc....) So, I was really pleased to see that Apple had come up with a device that was under $100. That would be the IPOD Shuffle. It was $99 and affordable, so I shuffled up to Christiana, Delaware to purchase one.
I arrived at the mall before most of the stores were open. This gave me time to roam the mall with a cup of Starbucks coffee. One thing became very apparent. GREEN as in GRANNY APPLE GREEN is the "IN" color for spring! Every window in every store featured this color. From kids clothes, to adult clothing to the Pottery Barn Store to Williams Sonoma which was featuring APPLE GREEN Le Creuset crocks!
And, guess what? Here is my son's new Apple SHUFFLE:
Yep, it's APPLE GREEN too!!!!
Once I was safe at home with my gift, I decided to dye some merino yarn I had spun the night before. I threw in some roving just for fun.
Guess what color?
In anticipation of the snow storm yesterday, I took off very very early to go Birthday Shopping at the Christiana Mall. I don't go to malls very often, since we live in a rural area, and since it is a 45 minute trip to the mall. It probably also has something to do with the fact that I have three boys, and boys could really care less about shopping - unless it is for electronics.
Well, electronics was what I needed and I ventured to the mall for the APPLE computer store. Willy wants an IPOD for his birthday. Unfortunately, $300 is out of my budget; and, I feel that spending that much on an electronic device for an 11 year old kid is just plain dumb (they lose stuff, they break stuff, etc....) So, I was really pleased to see that Apple had come up with a device that was under $100. That would be the IPOD Shuffle. It was $99 and affordable, so I shuffled up to Christiana, Delaware to purchase one.
I arrived at the mall before most of the stores were open. This gave me time to roam the mall with a cup of Starbucks coffee. One thing became very apparent. GREEN as in GRANNY APPLE GREEN is the "IN" color for spring! Every window in every store featured this color. From kids clothes, to adult clothing to the Pottery Barn Store to Williams Sonoma which was featuring APPLE GREEN Le Creuset crocks!
And, guess what? Here is my son's new Apple SHUFFLE:
Yep, it's APPLE GREEN too!!!!
Once I was safe at home with my gift, I decided to dye some merino yarn I had spun the night before. I threw in some roving just for fun.
Guess what color?
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